Education Expanded 700:

Foundations in Urban Education (3.0 units)

Explores urban P-20 education through social, historical, and political lenses and how research and policy shape professional practice in Los Angeles and the United States.
  • Corequisite: EDUE 701
  • Note: EDL K-12 Online Cohort
26521D806Lecture4:00-6:40pmWednesday26 of 30Alan GreenONLINEnotesession datesbook list
26522D806Lecture7:10-9:50pmTuesday19 of 30Darline RoblesONLINEnotesession datesbook list
26523D305Lecture4:00-6:40pmThursday28 of 30Briana HingaONLINEsession datesbook list
30 of 30
Briana HingaONLINEsession datesbook list
26525D305Lecture4:00-6:40pmWednesday27 of 30Artineh SamkianONLINEsession datesbook list
26538D806Lecture7:10-9:50pmThursday18 of 30Alan GreenONLINEnotesession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 1:00 pm.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.