Public Relations 450:

Advanced Strategic Public Relations (4.0 units)

In-depth study of methods for planning, managing and evaluating strategic communication campaigns; critical analysis of contemporary cases; development of campaigns for real world clients.
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Kate JacobsANN309PDF (729445 KB)session dates
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Jennifer FlotoASC328session dates
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Stephen JonesANN408session dates
21263D001Lecture9:00-12:20pmThursday13 of 15Brenda LynchANNL115Word (559855 KB)session dates
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Burghardt TenderichANN408session dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 11:00 am.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.