USC University of Southern California Schedule of Classes

General Education Course Offerings

Category I: Western Cultures and Traditions

AHIS 121gArt and Society: Renaissance to Modern
AMST 301gAmerica, the Frontier, and the New West
CLAS 151gCivilization of Rome
CLAS 320gmDiversity and the Classic Western Tradition
COLT 251gModern Literature and Thought of the West Since 1800
COLT 374gmWomen Writers in Europe and America
HIST 104gEurope and Its Influence since 1750: From the Rise of Democracy to the Age of Extremes
HIST 200gmThe American Experience
JS 100gJewish History
PHIL 101gPhilosophical Foundations of Modern Western Culture
PHIL 115gAncient Greek Culture and Society
PHIL 155gModern Philosophy and the Meaning of Life
PHIL 262gMind and Self: Modern Conceptions

Category II: Global Cultures and Traditions

AHIS 125gArts of Asia: Antiquity to 1300
AMST 250gmThe Africa Diaspora
ANTH 263gExploring Culture Through Film
COLT 102gOn Location: The Place of Literature in Global Cultures
EALC 110gEast Asian Humanities: The Great Tradition
EALC 145gIntroduction to Chinese Culture, Art and Literature
EALC 342gJapanese Literature and Culture
EASC 150gEast Asian Societies
EASC 160gmChina and the World
HIST 106gChinese Lives: An Introduction to Chinese History
HIST 266gBusiness and East Asian Culture, 1800-Present
HIST 271gEarly Native American Stories
HIST 275gThe Worlds of the Silk Road
SLL 330gRussian Thought and Civilization

Category III: Scientific Inquiry

ASTR 100LxgThe Universe
CHEM 105aLgGeneral Chemistry
GEOL 105LgPlanet Earth
GEOL 107LgOceanography
GEOL 108LgCrises of a Planet
GEOL 130LgThe Nature of Scientific Inquiry
PHYS 100LxgThe Physical World
PHYS 125LgPhysics for Architects
PHYS 151LgFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Category IV: Science and its Significance

ANTH 200LgThe Origins of Humanity
BISC 102LxgHumans and Their Environment
BISC 150LxgThe Nature of Human Health and Disease
BISC 230LxgBrain, Mind, and Machines: Topics in Neuroscience
CHEM 201LxgChemistry in the Environment, Energy and Society
EXSC 205LxgThe Science of Human Performance
GEOG 260LgNatural Hazards
GEOL 125LgEarth History: A Planet and Its Evolution
GEOL 150LgClimate Change
GEOL 240LgEarthquakes
LING 110LgIn a Word
LING 275LgLanguage and Mind
PHYS 200LxgThe Physics and Technology of Energy: Keeping the Motor Running
PSYC 201LgThe Science of Happiness
PSYC 339LgOrigins of the Mind

Category V: Arts and Letters

ARLT 100gArts and Letters
ARLT 101gStudies in Arts and Letters

Category VI: Social Issues

AHIS 255gCulture Wars: Art and Social Conflict in the USA, 1900-Present
AMST 101gmRace and Class in Los Angeles
AMST 274gmExploring Ethnicity Through Film
GEOG 100gmLos Angeles and the American Dream
GEOG 257gEnvironment and Ethics
JS 211gThe Holocaust
LING 115gLanguage, Society, and Culture
PHIL 140gContemporary Moral and Social Issues
POSC 130gLaw, Politics and Public Policy
REL 140g Religion and Ethical Issues
SOCI 142gmDiversity and Racial Conflict
SOCI 150gmSocial Problems
SOCI 155gmImmigrant America
SOCI 169gmChanging Family Forms
SWMS 215gGender Conflict in Cultural Contexts