Note: There has never been a better, or more urgent, time to examine work and working life. The COVID 19 pandemic brought to a crisis point many of the contradictions that had long been building in relation to work in the United States and around the world: the increasing gulf between CEO and worker pay the valorizing rhetoric around heroic workers like teachers and nurses versus their actual conditions on the job the conventional wisdom that hard work leads to success contrasted with the reality of millions of Americans working multiple jobs while stuck in poverty and the long struggle for social democratic safety nets for workers and their families. This thematic of WRIT 150 invites you to think and write critically about a variety of issues related to work, workers, and the workplace today, and to interrogate the way work intersects with some of the most dynamic social, political, and economic forces of our time, including struggles for civil rights and against exploitation, attempts to navigate the ongoing pandemic, and the challenges posed by climate change.
Session Dates (session code 001)
First day of classes:
Monday, January 9, 2023
Last day to add:
Friday, January 27, 2023
Last day to change to Pass/No Pass:
Friday, January 27, 2023
Last day to drop without a mark of "W" and receive a refund:
Friday, January 27, 2023
Last day to withdraw without a “W” on transcript or change pass/no pass to letter grade: