Dramatic Arts 152:

Introduction to Scene Study: Contemporary Plays (4.0 units)

Application and consolidation of the skills, knowledge and techniques acquired in the study of fundamentals of acting encountered in THTR 101.
62675R001Lecture8:00-9:50amMon, Wed7 of 18Jeff CrockettPED206session dates
62676D001Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu
18 of 18
MaryAnn HuPED207session dates
62677R001Lecture11:00-12:50pmMon, Wed
18 of 18
Jenni BarberPED204session dates
62678R001Lecture4:00-5:50pmTue, Thu10 of 18MaryAnn HuMCC109session dates
62679D001Lecture1:00-2:50pmMon, Wed
18 of 18
Stephanie ShroyerMCC107PDF (489749 KB)session dates
Information accurate as of September 13, 2023 1:50 pm.