Accounting 430:

Accounting Ethics (4.0 units)

Theoretical knowledge and practical application accountants need to identify ethical issues and reconcile conflicts among competing stakeholders' interests in all major areas of accounting practice.
14143R001Lecture8:00-9:50amTue, Thu33 of 36James LeonettiACC201PDF (487657 KB)session dates
14144R001Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu32 of 36Greg KlingACC201PDF (487657 KB)session dates
14145D001Lecture12:00-1:50pmTue, Thu
36 of 36
Greg KlingACC201PDF (487657 KB)session dates
14147R001Discussion9:30-10:50amFriday101 of 140Greg KlingHOHEDIsession dates
Information accurate as of September 13, 2023 1:50 pm.