Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 408:

Computer-Aided Design of Mechanical Systems (3.0 units)

Design of mechanical systems using advanced graphics techniques; computer-aided drafting, design optimization, elements of computer graphics, solids modeling; introduction to computer-aided manufacturing. Prerequisite: AME 204 or CE 225. Recommended preparation: AME 308.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (AME 204 or CE 225)
  • Note: Mid-terms will be held on two Wednesdays- dates TBA
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Babak Boloury-AzadSAL127PDF (211022 KB)notesession dates
28759D001Lecture6:30-9:20pmThursday15 of 22Babak Boloury-AzadSAL127PDF (211022 KB)notesession dates
28760R001Quiz7:30-9:50amWednesday38 of 44Babak Boloury-AzadZHS352notesession dates
Information accurate as of February 2, 2023 4:50 pm.
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