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Russian (RUSS)
Introduction to the Russian language with emphasis on basic conversational skills, major points of grammar and reading.
- Note: Students with prior exposure to Russian must take a placement exam prior to registration. D-clearance for this course is available at
60204D | 060 | Lecture | 2:00-3:50pm | Mon, Wed | 14 of 19 | Tatiana Akishina | ONLINE | |   |
Continuation of RUSS 120.
60208R | 060 | Lecture | 10:00-10:50am | MTuWTh | 16 of 19 | Sarah Matthews | ONLINE | |  |
Development of thematic conversational skills with emphasis on extended dialogue. Review of basic morphology with special attention to verbs of motion. Reading of authentic material is emphasized.
60216R | 060 | Lecture | 11:00-11:50am | MTuWTh | 3 of 19 | Walker Griggs | ONLINE | |  |
Continuation of RUSS 220. Development of proficiency in conversation skills, reading and writing.
60218D | 060 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 4 of 19 | Anastasiia Belik | ONLINE | |  |
Advanced conversation, reading, grammar and topical analysis of Russian press, films and other popular sources. Conducted in Russian.
60228D | 060 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 5 of 15 | Tatiana Akishina | ONLINE | |  |