Geological Sciences 150Lg:

Climate Change (4.0 units)

Exploration of factors that influence climate and the scientific basis for concern about rising greenhouse gases, the threat to human society know as global warming.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for lecture and one lab
24920R060Lecture10:00-10:50amMWF181 of 185Lowell StottONLINEPDF (439444 KB)notesession dates
15 of 15
Philip-Peter MaxeinerONLINEsession dates
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Mark PeapleONLINEsession dates
15 of 15
Ryley CollinsONLINEsession dates
15 of 15
Philip-Peter MaxeinerONLINEsession dates
16 of 16
Alex DillONLINEsession dates
24929R060Lab12:00-1:50pmThursday15 of 16Ryley CollinsONLINEsession dates
24930R060Lab2:00-3:50pmTuesday14 of 15Mark PeapleONLINEsession dates
16 of 16
Philip-Peter MaxeinerONLINEsession dates
24932R060Lab2:00-3:50pmThursday13 of 15Ryley CollinsONLINEsession dates
24934R060Lab4:00-5:50pmTuesday14 of 15Mark PeapleONLINEsession dates
16 of 16
Alex DillONLINEsession dates
24936R060Lab4:00-5:50pmThursday16 of 17Alex DillONLINEsession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 1:00 pm.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.