Economics 352x:

Macroeconomics for Business (4.0 units)

Theoretical development and significance to business and markets of economic growth; inflation;unemployment; monetary and fiscal policy; business cycles; savings and investment; exchange rates. Corequisite: ECON 351. Recommended preparation: introductory economics course, high school math, and algebra. Not for major credit for: Economics, Economics/Mathematics, Social Sciences (Economics). Duplicates credit in former ECON 252x.
26051R060Lecture8:00-9:50amTue, Thu
74 of 74
Baizhu ChenONLINEWord (83436 KB)session datesbook list
26052R060Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu71 of 74Baizhu ChenONLINEWord (83580 KB)session datesbook list
26053R060Lecture6:00-7:50pmTue, Thu52 of 74Reza BavafaONLINEPDF (331578 KB)session datesbook list
26057R060Lecture12:00-1:50pmTue, Thu73 of 74Fatemeh NazarianONLINEsession datesbook list
26060R060Lecture8:00-9:50amMon, Wed
74 of 74
Mohammad SafarzadehONLINEsession dates
26344R060Lecture10:00-11:50amMon, Wed73 of 74Fatemeh NazarianONLINEsession datesbook list
26346R060Lecture2:00-3:50pmTue, Thu
74 of 74
Fatemeh NazarianONLINEsession datesbook list
26347R060Lecture4:00-5:50pmMon, Wed72 of 74Sena DurgunerONLINEsession dates
26376R060Lecture6:00-7:50pmMon, Wed51 of 74Sena DurgunerONLINEsession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 1:00 pm.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.