Computer Science 170:

Discrete Methods in Computer Science (4.0 units)

Sets, functions, series. Big-O notation and algorithm analysis. Propositional and first-order logic. Counting and discrete probability. Graphs and basic graph algorithms. Basic number theory.
30136D060Lecture9:30-10:50amTue, Thu148 of 150Aaron CoteONLINEnotesession datesbook list
30137D060Lecture11:00-12:20pmTue, Thu73 of 75Aaron CoteONLINEnotesession datesbook list
30138D060Lecture2:00-3:20pmTue, Thu144 of 150Aaron CoteONLINEnotesession datesbook list
29929R060Discussion4:00-5:50pmFriday92 of 95Aaron CoteONLINEsession dates
29954R060Discussion2:00-3:50pmFriday89 of 95Aaron CoteONLINEsession dates
29980R060Discussion10:00-11:50amFriday91 of 95Aaron CoteONLINEsession dates
30106R060Discussion12:00-1:50pmFriday93 of 95Aaron CoteONLINEsession dates
30027R060Quiz7:00-8:50pmWednesday365 of 375ONLINEsession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 1:00 pm.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.