Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 541:

Linear Control Systems II (4.0 units)

State space representation, linearization, solution of state equations; controllability and observability; state feedback, state observers; optimal control; output feedback.
28805R073Lecture5:00-6:50pmTue, Thu13 of 30Nestor Perez ArancibiaONLINEfeesession dates
28901R048Lecture5:00-6:50pmTue, Thu7 of 55Nestor Perez ArancibiaOHE122 & ONLINEfeesession dates
28902R073Discussion12:00-12:50pmFriday20 of 40Nestor Perez ArancibiaONLINEsession dates
29071D034Lecture5:00-6:50pmTue, Thu11 of 20Nestor Perez ArancibiaDEN@Viterbifeesession dates
29073D034Discussion12:00-12:50pmFriday11 of 20Nestor Perez ArancibiaDEN@Viterbisession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 12:00 pm.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.