Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies 443:

Communicating Better Health: What Works and Why (4.0 units)

How communication -- interpersonal, mass media, information technologies -- shapes health behavior. Topics: doctor-patient consults; marketing campaigns; health in entertainment, news; internet; social media; mobile devices.
  • Crosslist: This course is offered by the COMM department but may qualify for major credit in HP. To register, enroll in COMM 443.
20657D001Lecture10:00-11:50amMon, Wed17 of 19Peter Clarke,
Susan Evans
ASCG34PDF (465774 KB)session dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 11:00 am.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.