Graduate School of Business Administration 536:

Accounting for Management Decision Making (2.0 units)

The development, presentation and understanding of accounting information useful to managers. Techniques and best practices which, combined with accounting information, support enhanced management decision-making. Duplicates credit in ACCT 509, ACCT 535, GSBA 518, and GSBA 537.
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Master Student
  • Note: Section 15770 reserved for MS.FIL students only.
15770D220LectureTBATBA18 of 30Smrity RandhawaOFFICEnotesession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 11:00 am.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.