The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.

Electrical and Computer Engineering 561:

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (4.0 units)

Foundations of symbolic intelligent systems, search, logic, knowledge representation, planning, learning.
  • Crosslist: This course is offered by the CSCI department but may qualify for major credit in EE. To register, enroll in CSCI 561.
30071D048Lecture5:00-7:20pmWednesday298 of 331Wei-Min ShenSGM123PDF (78611 KB)feesession dates
30070R048Discussion7:30-8:20pmWednesday298 of 331Wei-Min ShenSGM123session dates
30034R048QuizTBATBA298 of 331OFFICEsession dates
29936D034Lecture5:00-7:20pmWednesday39 of 42Wei-Min ShenDEN@ViterbiPDF (78611 KB)feesession dates
30030R034Discussion7:30-8:20pmWednesday39 of 42DEN@Viterbisession dates
30035R034QuizTBATBA39 of 42DEN@Viterbisession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 11:00 am.