Chemistry 051x:

General Chemistry Tutorial (2.0 units)

Structured tutorial for selected students in CHEM 105bL. Strong emphasis on chemical mathematics and key concepts in general chemistry. Topics parallel lectures in CHEM 105bL.
  • Prerequisite: CHEM 105a
  • Note: Course not available for degree credit
  • Concurrent enrollment: CHEM 105B
17202D001Lecture3:30-4:50pmTuesday5 of 45Jessica ParrSGM601notesession dates

Concurrent Course
CHEM 105bL: General Chemistry (4.0 units)

Fundamental principles and laws of chemistry; laboratory work emphasizes quantitative procedures.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (CHEM 105A or CHEM 107 or CHEM 115A)
  • Note: Register for one lecture, quiz and one lab. For questions about the 9/11am lectures, email The 10am section (enrollment is limited to 80 students) of CHEM 105B will be taught with the Discovery instructional model. All 105b labs are currently on waitlist. Email Dr. Parr ( to be added to the waitlist for the 10am section. To be added to the waitlist for Dr. Bryant's section (9am/11am), email Dr. Skibo ( with your name, the course, your USC ID number and the lab times (not section numbers) that you are interested in. Tuesday 11am labs is for Dr. Parr's lecture only.
17256D001Lecture9:00-9:50amMWF75 of 200Jasmine BryantSGM123PDF (426628 KB)notesession dates
17258D001Lecture10:00-10:50amMWF79 of 80Jessica ParrSGM123PDF (267314 KB)session dates
17260D001Lecture11:00-11:50amMWF167 of 230Jasmine BryantSGM123PDF (426628 KB)session dates
17262R001Quiz3:30-4:50pmThursday324 of 600SGM123session dates
17268D001Lab11:00-1:50pmTuesday20 of 24SGM136A/Bsession dates
17270D001Lab11:00-1:50pmTuesday18 of 22SGM136A/Bsession dates
17280D001Lab12:30-3:20pmTuesday14 of 16SGM136C/Dsession dates
17282D001Lab12:30-3:20pmTuesday11 of 14SGM136C/Dsession dates
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SGM136A/Bsession dates
17290D001Lab1:00-3:50pmMonday21 of 22SGM136A/Bsession dates
17292D001Lab1:00-3:50pmMonday15 of 16SGM133A/Bsession dates
17294D001Lab1:00-3:50pmMonday12 of 14SGM133A/Bsession dates
17296D001Lab1:00-3:50pmWednesday15 of 16SGM136A/Bsession dates
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SGM136A/Bsession dates
17300D001Lab2:00-4:50pmMonday15 of 16SGM136C/Dsession dates
17302D001Lab2:00-4:50pmMonday12 of 14SGM136C/Dsession dates
15 of 15
SGM133A/Bsession dates
17306D001Lab2:00-4:50pmTuesday9 of 10SGM133A/Bsession dates
17308D001Lab2:00-4:50pmTuesday9 of 10SGM136A/Bsession dates
17310D001Lab2:00-4:50pmTuesday9 of 10SGM136A/Bsession dates
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SGM136C/Dsession dates
17314D001Lab3:00-5:50pmWednesday13 of 14SGM136C/Dsession dates
17320D001Lab4:00-6:50pmMonday14 of 15SGM133A/Bsession dates
17322D001Lab4:00-6:50pmMonday9 of 10SGM133A/Bsession dates
17324D001Lab4:00-6:50pmMonday9 of 10SGM133A/Bsession dates
17326D001Lab4:00-6:50pmMonday8 of 10SGM133A/Bsession dates
17328D001Lab4:00-6:50pmWednesday13 of 16SGM136A/Bsession dates
17330D001Lab4:00-6:50pmWednesday13 of 14SGM136A/Bsession dates
Information accurate as of September 23, 2020 11:00 am.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin with fully remote instruction, with limited exceptions for clinical education. Faculty will contact students to provide information to login to classes. Read more.