East Asian Languages and Cultures 115:

Korean I (4.0 units)

Aural comprehension and oral practice; the writing system; grammar drill, sentence patterns. Lecture, 5 hours; additional hours for drill and laboratory.
  • Note: D-clearance for Korean I is available at language.usc.edu. Students with previous exposure to Korean are required to take a placement exam. After the first week of classes, enrolling into this course requires instructor's approval as well as D-clearance from the Language Center. Check under "Exceptions" in the "Final Examinations Schedule" for EALC 115 final exam date.
25322D001Lecture10:00-10:50amMTuWTh13 of 18Sooran PakVKC109notesession datesbook list
25472D001Lecture11:00-11:50amMTuWTh9 of 18Sooran PakVKC109notesession datesbook list
Information accurate as of January 29, 2019 1:53 pm.