Computer Science 531:

Applied Cryptography (4.0 units)

Intensive overview of cryptography for practitioners, historical perspective on early systems, number theoretic foundations of modern day cryptosystems and basic cryptanalysis.
    30320D048Lecture2:00-5:20pmWednesday38 of 40Tanya RyutovOHE100Cfeesession dates
    30031R048DiscussionTBATBA38 of 40OFFICEsession dates
    30321D034Lecture2:00-5:20pmWednesday5 of 20Tanya RyutovDEN@Viterbifeesession dates
    30032R034DiscussionTBATBA5 of 20OFFICEsession dates
    Information accurate as of January 29, 2019 4:51 pm.