Electrical Engineering 510:

Linear Algebra for Engineering (4.0 units)

Introduction to linear algebra and matrix theory and their underlying concepts; applications to engineering problems; mathematically rigorous and foundational to other classes in communication, control, and signal processing.
    30477R048Lecture1:30-3:20pmTue, Thu
    77 of 77
    Benjamin ReichardtOHE132PDF (48164 KB)notefeesession datesbook list
    30479R034Lecture1:30-3:20pmTue, Thu12 of 20Benjamin ReichardtDEN@ViterbiPDF (48164 KB)feesession datesbook list
    30478R048Discussion9:00-9:50amFriday75 of 77Benjamin ReichardtOHE132session dates
    30483R034Discussion9:00-9:50amFriday15 of 20Benjamin ReichardtDEN@Viterbisession dates
    30722R048Lecture4:00-5:50pmTue, Thu29 of 45Mohammad Reza RajatiVPD105PDF (184109 KB)feesession datesbook list
    30723R048Discussion2:00-2:50pmWednesday29 of 45Mohammad Reza RajatiKAP147session dates
    30512R048Lecture2:00-3:50pmTue, Thu64 of 76Edmond JonckheereSGM124feesession datesbook list
    30514R048Discussion11:00-11:50amFriday63 of 76Edmond JonckheereZHS252session dates
    Information accurate as of January 29, 2019 4:51 pm.