Education 656:

Applied Linguistics for English Language Educators (3.0 units)

Introduction to systems of English language and language in use. Contrasts systems of English to other languages to identify issues of interest for language teachers.
    25 of 25
    Pamela Minet-LucidSCT604notesession datesbook list
    27701D384Lecture9:30-12:00pmThursday23 of 25Julietta ShakhbagovaSCT608notesession datesbook list
    25 of 25
    Julietta ShakhbagovaSCT604notesession datesbook list
    27910D346Lecture6:00-8:30amTuesday12 of 18Kim FerrarioONLINEnotesession dates
    27911D346Lecture5:00-7:30pmTuesday17 of 18Kim FerrarioONLINEnotesession dates
    Information accurate as of January 29, 2019 4:51 pm.