American Studies and Ethnicity 242mg:

Social Responses to Disaster (4.0 units)

Exploration of social complexities associated with US disasters; influences of (political) action on mitigation, response, recovery; how activities and investment vary along racial and economic lines.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Diversity: This course satisfies the university's diversity requirement.
10366R060Lecture3:30-4:50pmTue, Thu12 of 50Joshua MitchellONLINEsession dates
10367R060Discussion12:00-12:50pmThursday9 of 25Karlynne Aila EjercitoONLINEsession dates
10368R060Discussion12:00-12:50pmFriday3 of 25Karlynne Aila EjercitoONLINEsession dates
Information accurate as of September 10, 2021 2:03 pm.
In Fall 2021, USC is returning to the normal grade option election deadlines and standards. For more information on this, please visit the Fall 2021 academic FAQs.