Interactive Media 484L:

Intermediate Game Development (2.0 units)

Advanced topics in game programming and implementation such as using game engines, creating digital prototypes, player controls and level design.
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Peter BrinsonSCIL113PDF (217583 KB)notefeesession dates
18406D001Lecture-Lab10:00-11:50amMonday21 of 22Peter BrinsonSCIL113PDF (240534 KB)feesession dates

Concurrent Course
CTIN 489: Intermediate Game Design Workshop (2.0 units)

A follow-up to the introductory game design class, this course will introduce more advanced concepts in game design and game theories, including ideation, digital prototyping and level design.
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Sean BouchardSCIL113notefeesession dates
18405D001Lecture10:00-11:50amWednesday21 of 22Jesse VigilSCIL113feesession dates
Information accurate as of 8/11/2016 4:44 PM.