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Policy, Planning and Development - Expanded (PPDE)
- D class assignments for undergraduates available in RGL102; phone (213) 740-1460.
- D class assignments for graduate students available in RGL102; phone (213) 740-1460.
- To access and submit the D-clearance request form for PPD courses, please visit
Skills in written reporting, professional briefings and social media for public administrators; effective engagement for stakeholders and constituencies; research, analysis and reporting on current policy or management cases
- Note: MPA Online Only. New student residency dates (in Los Angeles): September 6, 7, 8
51075D | 063 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 16 of 80 | Dr. Dora Kingsley Vertenten | OFFICE | |   |
Strategies and processes of social innovation in the context of economics, institutional, and innovation theory. How social innovation materializes across all sectors, including the government, nonprofit, and for-profit spheres. Critical thinking and practical application development to solve social problems.
The application of decision analysis principles necessary for determining priorities for uses of strategic human, facility and financial resources in healthcare organizations; analytic and consulting skills; case studies.
50902R | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-8:20pm | Thursday | 19 of 25 | Philip Dalton | VPD110 | |   |
Performance improvement methods and principles in health care; how Lean, Six-Sigma, and Human Centered Design (HCD) methodologies are applied to health care organizations to improve quality and efficiency.
50900R | 061 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 24 of 25 | Kevin Kaldjian | TBA | |   |
Alternatives within the healthcare delivery system beyond the acute hospital; how social, medical and financial determinants provide alternatives to acute care and impact a patient's disposition; Hospital Readmission Penalty Program; effect of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 on patient care.
Theories and methods of how to develop original data about, analyze, and produce visualizations of urban space; conventional conceptualization and representations of cities and urban spatial data. Recommended preparation: PPD 631 or other GIS coursework.
Comprehensive introduction to the dynamics of the housing sector, problems, programs, and policies. Attention to both publically assisted and market rate housing, recent trends and current debates.
Fundamentals of environmental planning and policy from an urban planning perspective; role of markets and market failures; environmental risks; policy approaches; modeling tools for environmental impact assessment and forecasts
51074R | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-9:20pm | Monday | 8 of 30 | Terry Hayes | VKC200 | |  |
Accounting and financial management principles and practices in nonprofit organizations: budgeting financial analysis, internal controls, financial policies, grant making and financial reporting. Duplicates credit in PPD 541.
50908R | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-9:20pm | Wednesday | 19 of 25 | Linda Sanner | VKC201 | Word (42965 KB) |  |
Grant making process and proposal development; philanthropic foundations; strategies for funding; budgeting, logic models, and evaluation; peer review
Application of econometric methods for causal inference. Production and evaluation of empirical estimates of causal relationships to inform evidence-based policy decisions.
50912D | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-9:20pm | Tuesday | 32 of 32 | T J McCarthy | VPD116 | |  |
The role of public policy in education; application of theoretical frameworks to analyze policy design, implementation and impact; key concepts of policy analysis and key issues in education policy.
50913R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-5:20pm | Thursday | 17 of 20 | Julie Marsh | RGL215 | |   |