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Music Industry (MUIN)
- D class assignments available in TMC200; phone (213) 740-4721.
- Students accepted into a graduate program must take entrance examinations prior to their first registration. Any deficiencies revealed must be removed prior to completion of two semesters of course work. Transferring undergraduate students registering for the first time who have previous course work must take the appropriate examination for placement. Contact the Thornton School Office of Student Affairs for information. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - 1 unit has a $350 fee, and includes 7.5 hours of total instruction. 2 units has a $700 fee, and includes 15 hours of total instruction. Contact school for course level guide.
A survey of the music business with emphasis on distribution of recorded music, music publishing, performance rights societies, record companies, agents, personal managers and contracts. Open to music majors (B.M. and B.S. degrees) only.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Music, Jazz Studies, Music Industry, Music Recording, Composition, Composition (Film Scoring), Electroacoustic Media, Jazz Studies (Vocal), Music Education, Bassoon, Clarinet, Classical Guitar, Double Bass, Flute, French Horn, Harp, Harpsichord, Oboe, Organ, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Studio Guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Viola, Violin, Violoncello, Vocal Arts
44200D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 50 of 60 | Paul Young | KDC240 | |   |
Introductory survey of the music business. Topics include: copyright, record companies, contracts, music publishing, performance rights societies, managers, agents, and other artist team/income considerations. Not for major credit for Music Industry Majors. (Duplicates credit in former MUIN 372ax.)
44203D | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:50pm | Tue, Thu | 60 of 60 | Michael Garcia | KDC240 | |  |
An introduction to the practical application of large scale sound reinforcement for concerts, sporting events, church services and convention situations.
44235D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Mon, Wed | Canceled | Ken Lopez | | |  |
A study of entertainment law with a focus on the music industry.Areas of study include contracts, domestic practices,international practices, copyright protection, trademarks. Prerequisites: MUIN 270.
44240D | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-7:50pm | Tue, Thu | 32 of 36 | Mark Goldstein | TMCG156 | |  |
A contemporary survey of the methods used to monetize music through licensing/media placement, covering music publishing, songwriter agreements, performance rights and licenses for traditional/new media. Prerequisites: MUIN 270 or MUIN 272x.
44247D | 001 | Lecture | 7:00-8:50pm | Monday | 58 of 60 (8 on waitlist) | Jeff Brabec, Todd Brabec | TMCG156 | |   |
An intermediate/advanced-level survey of music copyright law, artist contract analysis, infringement case studies as they affect modern/emerging business models and global music licensing.
44250D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:50pm | Tue, Thu | 27 of 60 | Paul Young | KDC240 | |   |
An in-depth study of music marketing, non-traditional revenue streams for artists, musicians, and labels including artist endorsements, artist tour sponsorships, digital music programs, music licensing, merchandise, and a primary focus on brand partnership deals in the music space. Prerequisites: MUIN 270 or MUIN 272x.
44270D | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:50pm | Wednesday | 40 of 40 (6 on waitlist) | Dax Kimbrough | TMCG156 | |  |
An exploration of the most current and effective marketing strategies and online branding tools for promoting, monetizing, and sustaining the career of the independent creative artist. Prerequisites: MUIN 270 or MUIN 272x.
A survey of the presentation of the live musical experience. Both classical and popular concert presentation will be examined including venue selection, promotion and security.
44282D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 62 of 63 (5 on waitlist) | Ken Lopez, Michael Garcia | CTV136A | |  |
A study of issues relating to the personal management of music artists including negotiating contracts, image, career development, agents, touring, merchandizing, fees and duties.
44286D | 001 | Lecture-Discussion | 8:00-9:50pm | Tue, Thu | 33 of 50 | Mark Goldstein | TMCG156 | |  |
Introduction to music designed for synchronization to picture including history of music in cinema, music editing, supervision, performance rights licensing, production, and music scoring procedures. Prerequisites: MUIN-360 or MUIN 372x.
44297D | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-10:00pm | Monday | 24 of 25 | Richard Mc Ilvery | KDC241 | |  |
Field application of music industry theories and practices; part-time employment. Project jointly defined by student, employer and professor. Prerequisites: MUIN 360 or MUIN 372x. Junior or Senior standing. Graded CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: 1 from (MUIN 360 or MUIN 372)
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior
44305D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Friday | 47 of 60 | Mark Goldstein | KDC240 | |  |
Application of theories, technologies, and practices of the live music industry. Focus on the business, management, marketing, promotion, and production of professional concert events.
44312D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Tue, Thu | 10 of 24 | Michael Garcia | TMC112 | |  |
Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
44323D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 3 of 10 | Paul Young | TMC118 | |  |
Group study of one current music media issue, focusing on possible solutions with practical applications. Stress on leadership, critical thinking, and professional practices. By application only. Open to juniors and seniors only.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior
44333D | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-10:00pm | Tuesday | 12 of 12 | Jeremy Gruber | KDC241 | |  |
Exploration of emerging topics and trends in business and technology in the music and entertainment industries. Prerequisites; MUIN 270 or MUIN 272x.
Culmination of the four-year course of study. Affords students the opportunity to experience guided work to meet the professional demands of the industry. Prerequisites: MUIN 270 or MUIN 272x. Graded IP/CR/NC.
44342D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 9 of 20 | Ken Lopez | TMC118 | |  |
Culmination of the four-year course of study. Affords students the opportunity to experience guided workto meet the professional demands of the industry. Graded CR/NC.
44345D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 48 of 50 | Ken Lopez | TMC118 | |  |
Selected topics of current interest.
Communications in the Music Industry |
44348D | 001 | 4.0 | Lecture | 6:00-7:50pm | Mon, Wed | 22 of 40 | Loren Medina | KDC240 | |  |
Research leading to the Master's Degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
44375D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 10 | Paul Young | TMC118 | |  |
Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determinedd by the department. Graded CR/NC.
44393D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 5 | Paul Young | TMC118 | |  |