Biological Sciences 320Lg:

Molecular Biology (4.0 units)

Structure and synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins; molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; genetics.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (CHEM 105b or CHEM 115b)
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for one lecture and one lab; Final exam date, Mon. Dec. 11, 2017, 4:30-6:30 pm. This course carries GE credit but it is intended for a specific group of students rather than a general student audience.
13019R001Lecture11:00-11:50amMWF138 of 264Oscar Aparicio,Irene Chiolo,Michael HadjidanielTHH101PDF (124595 KB)notesession datesbook list
13020R001Lecture12:00-12:50pmMWF148 of 264Oscar Aparicio,Irene Chiolo,Michael HadjidanielTHH101PDF (124595 KB)notesession datesbook list
13314R001Lab9:00-11:50amTuesday20 of 24Nancy Castro,Rachel SchellZHS357session dates
13315R001Lab9:00-11:50amTuesday22 of 24Amal Thomas,
Christina Ferraro
ZHS359session dates
13316R001Lab9:00-11:50amThursday23 of 24Grayson Jaggers,Nancy CastroZHS357session dates
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Grayson Jaggers,Martin MullisZHS359session dates
13319R001Lab1:00-3:50pmTuesday19 of 24Nancy Castro,Han LiZHS357session dates
13320R001Lab1:00-3:50pmWednesday23 of 24Nancy Castro,Christopher ConowZHS357session dates
13321R001Lab1:00-3:50pmWednesday21 of 24Grayson Jaggers,Christina FerraroZHS359session dates
13322R001Lab1:00-3:50pmThursday22 of 24Grayson Jaggers,Martin MullisZHS359session dates
13323R001Lab1:00-3:50pmThursday21 of 24Nancy Castro,Rachel SchellZHS357session dates
13326R001Lab1:00-3:50pmFriday23 of 24Nancy Castro,Han LiZHS357session dates
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Nancy Castro,Grayson JaggersZHS359session dates
13334R001Lab5:00-7:50pmTuesday21 of 24Nancy Castro,Amal ThomasZHS357session dates
13335R001Lab5:00-7:50pmTuesday23 of 24Grayson Jaggers,Christopher ConowZHS359session dates
Information accurate as of September 28, 2017 10:00 am.