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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies (HP)
- D class assignments for undergraduates available; phone (213) 740-1060.
- Registration only upon permission of the department concerned. D class assignments are assigned by the academic department.
Introduction to strategies for promoting health and wellness. Includes self monitoring of health risk behavior, goal setting, and behavior changes.
40550R | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 35 of 80 | Lourdes Baez Conde, Amy Parish | ZHS352 | |   |
Individual research apprenticeship in health related fields under supervision of a departmental faculty member. Graded CR/NC. Departmental approval.
40553D | 001 | Lecture | 1:00-2:50pm | Friday | 3 of 20 | Elahe Nezami, David Glasgow | THH102 | |  |
Overview and analysis of predictors and consequences of health-related behaviors; theoretical viewpoints and strategies for behavior change. Recommended preparation: HP 200
40556R | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-12:20pm | Tue, Thu | 29 of 65 | Melissa Wilson | LVL17 | |   |
Examination of the major systems of the human body; disease processes and behavioral risk factors.
40554R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Tue, Thu | 42 of 70 | Ahmad Besaratinia | VKC100 | |   |
Intermediate statistics for health behavior studies; topics include descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, and use of computer software in data analysis.
- General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
Study of major chronic illnesses and their risk factors as a foundation for discussions about the portrayal of health and illness in entertainment media. Duplicates credit in the former CNTV-345.
40552R | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | | TBA | |  |
Systematic development of specific professional skills for providing effective, culturally sensitive health services to diverse populations. Recommended preparation: ANTH 101
40568R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | Canceled | | | |  |
Health issues of women of childbearing age from pre-pregnancy through the postpartum period, and of children from their development in utero through early adolescence. Recommended preparation: PSYC 100
40571R | 001 | Lecture | 5:00-8:20pm | Tuesday | 32 of 50 | Leslie Clark | THH114 | |   |
An overview of the magnitude and impact of STDs including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common STDs, STD/HIV inter-relationship, global burden, trends, public health challenges, and STD/HIV prevention and control strategies and programs worldwide.
40573R | 001 | Lecture | 6:00-9:20pm | Thursday | 23 of 60 | Panayiota Courelli | VKC201 | |   |
Examination of factors related to drug abuse behaviors; overview and assessment of drug abuse prevention and cessation programs; relapse prevention programs. Recommended preparation: HP 300
40580R | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 15 of 25 | Steven Sussman | VKC206 | |   |
Provides a broad examination of issues in HIV/AIDS, including behavioral, social, biological, clinical and ethical dimensions of the pandemic in the U.S. and elsewhere.
40561R | 001 | Lecture | 5:00-7:50pm | Monday | 32 of 43 | Roksana Karim | VKC152 | |  |
Examination of dietary intake and exercise behaviors as they relate to health and illness; methods for measuring diet and exercise. Recommended preparation: HP 430
40589R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 20 of 72 | Joyce Nakashima | THH114 | |  |
Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and protein; introduction to vitamins, minerals and dietary modifications in various pathological conditions. Recommended preparation: HP 230.
40581R | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | | TBA | |  |
Explores human strengths that promote happiness/well-being and whether they influence physical health; mind-body relationships; and strategies for promoting hope, resilience, and quality of life. Recommended preparation: HP 200, PSYC 100
40590R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 52 of 56 | Joel Milam | THH210 | |   |
Covers phases of worksite health promotion: research, design, implementation and evaluation; concerns regarding escalating medical costs and the role of health promotion in offering substitutes.
40586R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 5 of 20 | James Gibson | VKC111 | |   |
Overview of causative factors and demographic distributions of the major chronic diseases in the western world; edpidemiologic concepts and research designs. Recommended preparation: HP 320
40578R | 001 | Lecture | 5:00-8:20pm | Monday | 35 of 40 | Victoria Cortessis | THH114 | |  |
Case studies of toxic exposures and investigation of the role of government, scientists, labor and industry in protecting against health threats caused by toxic exposures.
Discussion of global environmental changes, including climate change, air pollution, water pollution, radiation, and their impacts on human health.
Case study examination of programs and organizational structure underlying current international efforts addressing problems related to infection disease, chronic disease, global environmental change, emergencies and emerging disease epidemics.
Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Open to HP majors only. Recommended preparation: HP 350L
- Corequisite: HP 340
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies
40595D | 001 | 2.0-8.0 | Lecture | 1:00-2:50pm | Friday | 72 of 95 | Elahe Nezami, David Glasgow | THH102 | |  |