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Multidisciplinary Activities (MDA)
- D class assignments for undergraduates available in CAS200; phone (213) 740-2961.
An introduction to the major areas of health care; the provider's relationship to choices in professional practice; ethics and historical context. Duplicates credit in
MDA 100abcd.
42205R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Friday | 34 of 75 | Kenneth Geller | THH212 | |   |
Students explore different understandings of work and career in American society while testing theories in an actual work setting.
Study of a single leader or small set of leaders, including the strengths and weaknesses that distinguish them and the cultural forces that nurture them.
42290R | 001 | 4.0 | Lecture | 2:00-4:50pm | Tuesday | 18 of 20 | Daniel Schnur | GFS111 | |   |
The social context of health and its determinants; the uses of data analysis; community capacity building, and the impact of policy on community health improvement.
42293R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-5:50pm | Thursday | 10 of 20 | Erin Quinn, Darren Ruddell | AHF145D | PDF (521618 KB) |  |
An individual educational project approved by a faculty committee, combining directed research with internships, service learning, artistic or literary production, and/or other relevant educational activities. Open only to sophomore, junior or senior standing.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Tba |
42250D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 10 | | TBA | |  |
A project approved by a faculty committee, requiring students to collaborate on research or an original work in the literary, plastic or performing arts. Open only to sophomore, junior or senior standing. Graded CR/NC.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Tba |
42260D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 10 | | TBA | |  |
Individual research, reading, writing and project development.
42270D | 001 | 4.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 10 | | TBA | |  |
Individual research, reading, writing and project development, guided by a faculty member with expertise in the area, who may be tenure-track or non-tenure-track.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior, Senior (fifth year)
42280D | 001 | 4.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 5 of 11 | | OFFICE | |  |
A critical introduction to the field of visual studies focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to images, objects, and visual technologies as well as key texts and interpretive debates. Students must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program at USC.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Doctoral Student
42296D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-4:50pm | Wednesday | 17 of 18 | Sarah Banet-Weiser | ANN305 | |  |
Practical principles for the long-term development of effective teaching within college disciplines. Intended for teaching assistants in Dornsife College.