Early Russian Literature and Culture (11th-17th Centuries)
Section 60246
- Session Dates (session code 001)
- First day of classes:
- Monday, January 11, 2016
- Last day to add:
- Friday, January 29, 2016
- Last day to drop without a mark of "W" and receive a refund:
- Friday, January 29, 2016
- Last day to withdraw without a “W” on transcript or change pass/no pass to letter grade:
- Friday, February 26, 2016
- Last day to drop with a mark of "W":
- Friday, April 8, 2016
- End of session:
- Wednesday, May 11, 2016
- Book List Prices and book list are subject to change.
- Archpriest Avvakum. Archpriest Avvakum. (Required)
ISBN: 9780930042332
New: $18.00
Used: $13.50
Rental: $13.50 (New), $6.30 (Used)
- Veder. Edificatory Prose of Kievan Rus. (Required)
ISBN: 9780916458546
New: $33.75
Used: $25.50
Rental: $25.31 (New), $11.81 (Used)
- Kadloubovsky. Writings from the Philokalia. (Required)
ISBN: 9780571163939
New: $19.95
Used: $15.00
- Zenkovsky. Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles & Tales (Rev & Enl). (Required)
ISBN: 9780452010864
New: $22.00
Used: $16.50
Rental: $7.70 (Used)
- Franklin. Sermons & Rhetoric of Kievan Rus'. (Required)
ISBN: 9781932650082
New: $29.95
Used: $22.50
- Nabokov. Song of Igor's Campaign. (Required)
ISBN: 9780875010618
New: $14.95
Used: $11.25
- Lotman. Semiotics of Russian Culture. (Required)
ISBN: 9780930042561
New: $22.00
Used: $16.50
Rental: $16.50 (New), $7.70 (Used)
- Hallingworth. Hagiography of Medieval Rus'. (Required)
ISBN: 9780916458522
New: $21.00
Used: $15.75
- Heppell. Paterik of the Kievan Caves Monastery. (Required)
ISBN: 9781932650075
New: $29.95
Used: $22.50
Purchase from USC Bookstore