Russia and the Soviet Union the Many Faces of Dissent
Section 35376
- Session Dates (session code 001)
- First day of classes:
- Monday, January 11, 2016
- Last day to add:
- Friday, January 29, 2016
- Last day to drop without a mark of "W" and receive a refund:
- Friday, January 29, 2016
- Last day to withdraw without a “W” on transcript or change pass/no pass to letter grade:
- Friday, February 26, 2016
- Last day to drop with a mark of "W":
- Friday, April 8, 2016
- End of session:
- Wednesday, May 11, 2016
- Book List Prices and book list are subject to change.
- Rorlich. GESM 120 Course Reader "Totalitarian Soviet Union". (Required)
ISBN: 9780182199846
New: $105.30
Used: $79.00
- Solzhentsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. (Required)
ISBN: 9780451228147
New: $14.00
Used: $10.50
Rental: $10.50 (New), $4.90 (Used)
- Sakharov. My Country & the World. (Required)
ISBN: 9780394720678
New: $11.00
Used: $8.25
Rental: $8.25 (New), $3.85 (Used)
- Amalrik. Will the Soviet Union Survive until 1984?. (Required)
ISBN: 9780060907327
New: $6.75
Used: $5.25
- Hunt. Holy Foolishness in Russia. (Required)
ISBN: 9780893573836
New: $38.50
Used: $29.00
Purchase from USC Bookstore