Geological Sciences 150Lg:

Climate Change (4.0 units)

Climate systems from the beginning of earth history to the present; tools and techniques used to reconstruct prehistoric climate records; effects of climate variations on development of life forms on earth.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for lecture and one lab
24872R001Lecture10:00-10:50amMWF129 of 240Julien Emile-GeaySAL101PDF (128634 KB)notesession dates
24874D001Lab8:00-9:50amThursday0 of 1ZHSB56session dates
24876R001Lab10:00-11:50amThursday11 of 20Sijia DongZHSB56session dates
24877D001Lab4:00-5:50pmWednesday0 of 1ZHSB56session dates
24878R001Lab12:00-1:50pmTuesday16 of 20Jessica Zaiss-BowmanZHSB56session dates
20 of 20
Jun HuZHSB56session dates
24880R001Lab12:00-1:50pmThursday7 of 20Sijia DongZHSB56session dates
24881R001Lab12:00-1:50pmFriday11 of 20Jessica Zaiss-BowmanZHSB56session dates
24882D001Lab2:00-3:50pmTuesday0 of 1ZHSB56session dates
24884R001Lab2:00-3:50pmThursday14 of 20Sijia DongZHSB56session dates
24889R001Lab4:00-5:50pmTuesday17 of 20Jessica Zaiss-BowmanZHSB56session dates
24966R001Lab8:00-9:50amWednesday14 of 20Jun HuZHSB56session dates
24968R001Lab2:00-3:50pmWednesday19 of 20Jun HuZHSB56session dates
Information accurate as of 8/11/2016 2:47 PM.