Electrical Engineering 477L:

MOS VLSI Circuit Design (4.0 units)

Analysis and design of digital MOS VLSI circuits including area, delay and power minimization. Laboratory assignments including design, layout, extraction, simulation and automatic synthesis. Prerequisites: EE 277L or EE 338.
30510R680Lecture8:00-10:45amTue, Thu4 of 28Shahin NazarianOHE120feesession dates
30512R680LabTBATBA4 of 28OFFICEsession dates
30514D527Lecture8:00-10:45amTue, Thu0 of 20Shahin NazarianDEN@Viterbifeesession dates
30516R527LabTBATBA0 of 20DEN@Viterbisession dates
Information accurate as of 7/27/2015 2:19 PM.