Computer Science 450:

Introduction to Computer Networks (3.0 units)

Network architectures; layered protocols, network service interface; local networks; long-haul networks; internal protocols;link protocols; addressing; routing; flow control; higher level protocols. Duplicates credit in CSCI 353.
  • Restriction: Registration closed to the following class level(s): Freshmen, Sophomore
  • Crosslist: This course is offered by the EE department but may qualify for major credit in CSCI. To register, enroll in EE 450.
30502R680Lecture4:00-6:45pmTue, Thu21 of 40Shahin NazarianOHE132feesession dates
30504R680Discussion12:00-12:50pmTuesday21 of 40OHE136session dates
30506D527Lecture4:00-6:45pmTue, Thu6 of 20Shahin NazarianDEN@Viterbifeesession dates
30508R527Discussion12:00-12:50pmTuesday6 of 20DEN@Viterbisession dates
Information accurate as of 7/27/2015 2:19 PM.