Chemistry 105aLg:

General Chemistry (4.0 units)

Fundamental principles and laws of chemistry; laboratory work emphasizes quantitative procedures. Prerequisite to all more advanced courses in chemistry. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory and discussion, 4 hours. Quiz, 1 hour.
  • Prerequisite: CHEM 050
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for lecture-discussion, quiz and one lab. Math Placement and Chemistry Placement tests required. If lab section number ends in "D", email Dr. Skibo ) to be placed on the wait list. Include your SID #. For all other questions email course coordinator ).
17211R001Lecture-Discussion9:00-9:50amMWF163 of 244Thomas BertoliniSGM124notesession datesbook list
17213R001Quiz3:30-4:50pmTuesday165 of 250SGM123session dates
17214D001Lab9:30-12:20pmThursday9 of 10SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
17216D001Lab9:30-12:20pmThursday4 of 6SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
12 of 12
SGM136A/Bfeesession datesbook list
17220D001Lab11:00-1:50pmThursday10 of 12SGM136A/Bfeesession datesbook list
17222D001Lab11:00-1:50pmThursday9 of 12SGM136C/Dfeesession datesbook list
17224D001Lab11:00-1:50pmThursday11 of 12SGM136C/Dfeesession dates
17226D001Lab12:30-3:20pmThursday12 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
17228D001Lab12:30-3:20pmThursday12 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
17230D001Lab1:00-3:50pmWednesday12 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession datesbook list
17232D001Lab1:00-3:50pmWednesday13 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
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17236D001Lab2:00-4:50pmThursday8 of 12SGM136A/Bfeesession dates
17238D001Lab2:00-4:50pmThursday11 of 12SGM136C/Dfeesession dates
17240D001Lab2:00-4:50pmThursday9 of 12SGM136C/Dfeesession datesbook list
17246D001Lab4:00-6:50pmWednesday10 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
17248D001Lab4:00-6:50pmWednesday11 of 14SGM133A/Bfeesession dates
Information accurate as of 3/11/2015 10:56 AM.