East Asian Languages and Cultures 204:

Chinese III (4.0 units)

Conversational practice: reading of stories and essays; writing of short essays.
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Ping YangVKC202feesession datesbook list
25341R001Lecture12:00-12:50pmMTuWTh17 of 18Ping YangVKC202feesession datesbook list
25342R001Lecture4:00-5:50pmTue, Thu
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Christopher MagrineyTHH209feesession datesbook list
25343R001Lecture4:00-5:50pmMon, Wed
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Ping YangTHH209feesession datesbook list
25555R001Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu11 of 18Xianxian FangWPH204feesession dates
Information accurate as of 8/31/2014 2:56 PM.