University of Southern California


00001 <?php
00014 require_once("Model.php");
00015 require_once("SQLDb.php");
00017 function SQLDb_strtotime($string) {
00018   if (trim($string)) {
00019     return strtotime($string);
00020   }
00021   return -1; // Time must be greater then -1 so this is an error
00022 }
00024 function SQLDb_now() {
00025   return date("Y-m-d")."T".date("H:i:sp");
00026 }
00028 function SQLDb_password($string) {
00029   if (trim($string)) {
00030     return md5($string);
00031   }
00032   return -1; // Time must be greater then -1 so this is an error
00033 }
00035 function SQLDb_init($dbhandle) {
00036   sqlite_create_function($dbhandle,"STRTOTIME","SQLDb_strtotime",1);
00037   sqlite_create_function($dbhandle,"NOW","SQLDb_now",0);
00038   sqlite_create_function($dbhandle,"PASSWORD","SQLDb_password",1);
00039 }
00044 class SQLDb extends Model {
00048   public function SQLDb($conf = NULL) {
00049     Model::Model($conf);
00050     $this->dbh = NULL;
00051     $this->qry = NULL;
00052     $this->rowCount = false;
00053     $dbtype = $this->get("db_type");
00054     $dbname = $this->get("db_name");
00055     if ($dbname !== false && $dbtype !== false && $dbtype == "sqlite") {
00056       $this->open();
00057     }
00058   }
00064   public function lastInsertRowId() {
00065     $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00066     switch($db_type) {
00067       case 'mysql':
00068         return mysql_insert_id();
00069       default:
00070         return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->dbh);
00071     }    
00072   }
00078   public function numRows() {
00079     return $this->rowCount;
00080   }
00087   public function escapeString($s) {
00088     $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00089     switch($db_type) {
00090       case 'mysql':
00091         if ($this->dbh) {
00092           return mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace("--","&mdash;",$s),$this->dbh);
00093         } else {
00094           return mysql_escape_string(str_replace("--","&mdash;",$s));
00095         }
00096       default:
00097         return sqlite_escape_string(str_replace("--","&mdash;",$s));
00098     }
00099   }
00106   public function open($name = "") {
00107     $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00108     switch($db_type) {
00109       case 'mysql':
00110         $this->get("db_host") !== false ? $mysql_host = $this->get("db_host") : $mysql_host = "localhost";
00111         $this->get("db_user") !== false ? $mysql_user = $this->get("db_user") : $mysql_user = "root";
00112         $this->get("db_password") !== false ? $mysql_password = $this->get("db_password") : $mysql_password = "";
00113         $this->get("db_name") !== false ? $mysql_database = $this->get("db_name") : $mysql_database = "mysql";
00115         $this->dbh = mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);
00116         if (! $this->dbh) {
00117           $this->error('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
00118         } else {
00119           $this->db_selected = mysql_select_db($mysql_database, $this->dbh);
00120           if (!$this->db_selected) {
00121             $this->error("Could not select Db: $mysql_database " . mysql_error());
00122           }
00123         }
00124         break;
00125       default:
00126         if ($this->dbh) {
00127           sqlite_close($this->dbh);
00128         }
00129         if ($name != "") {
00130           $this->set("db_name",$name);
00131         }
00133         $this->get("db_perms") !== false ? $db_perms = $this->get("db_perms") : $db_perms = "0666";
00134         $db_name = $this->get("db_name");
00135         $this->dbh = sqlite_open($db_name,$db_perms,$error);
00136         if ($this->dbh) {
00137           SQLDb_init($this->dbh);
00138         } else {
00139           $this->error("error opening database ".$db_name.": ".$error);
00140         }
00141         break;
00142     }
00144     return ($this->errorCount() == 0);
00145   }
00152   public function execute($sql) {
00153     $lines = explode("\n",$sql);
00154     $sql_statement = "";
00155     // Find each SQL statement so we can process individual.
00156     // Strip comments and empty lines.
00157     foreach ($lines as $line) {
00158       $text = "";
00159       if (strpos($line,"--") === false) {
00160         $text = trim($line);
00161       } else if (strpos(trim($line),"--") > 1) {
00162         list($s,$junk) = explode('--',$line,2);
00163         trim($s) != "" ? $text = trim($s): "";
00164       }
00165       if ($text != "") {
00166         $sql_statement .= $text;
00167       }
00168     }
00169     $sql_statement = trim($sql_statement);
00170     if ($sql_statement != "") {
00171       $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00172       switch($db_type) {
00173         case 'mysql':
00174           if (stripos($sql_statement,"SELECT") !== false) {
00175             $this->qry = mysql_query($sql_statement);
00176             $this->qry ? $this->rowCount = mysql_num_rows($this->qry) : $this->rowCount = 0;
00177           } else {
00178             $this->qry = mysql_query($sql_statement);
00179             // $this->rowCount = mysql_affected_rows($this->dbh);
00180             $this->rowCount = mysql_affected_rows();
00181           }
00182           if (! $this->qry) {
00183             $error = mysql_error();
00184             $this->error("\nDB error: ".$error."\nDatabase: ".$this->get("db_name")."\nSQL statement:\n".$sql_statement);
00185           }
00186           break;
00187         default:
00188           if (stripos($sql_statement,"SELECT") !== false) {
00189             $this->qry = sqlite_query($this->dbh, $sql_statement, SQLITE_ASSOC,$error);
00190             $this->rowCount = sqlite_num_rows($this->qry);
00191           } else {
00192             sqlite_exec($this->dbh, $sql_statement, $error);
00193             $this->rowCount = sqlite_changes($this->dbh);
00194           }
00195           $error || $this->qry === false ? $this->error("\nDB error: ".$error."\nDatabase: ".$this->get("db_name")."\nSQL statement:\n".$sql_statement) : "";
00196           break;
00197       }
00198     }
00200     return ($this->errorCount() == 0);
00201   }
00207   public function getRow() {
00208     $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00209     switch($db_type) {
00210       case 'mysql':
00211         if ($this->qry) {
00212           $result = mysql_fetch_array($this->qry, MYSQL_ASSOC);
00213         } else {
00214           $this->error("no query available");
00215         }
00216         break;
00217       default:
00218         if ($this->qry) {
00219           $result = sqlite_fetch_array($this->qry, SQLITE_ASSOC);
00220         } else {
00221           $this->error("no query available");
00222         }
00223         break;
00224     }
00225     if ($result !== false) {      
00226       foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
00227         $result[$key] = stripslashes($value);
00228       }
00229     }
00230     if ($this->errorCount() == 0) {
00231       return $result;
00232     }
00233     return false;
00234   }
00236   public function close() {
00237     $db_type = $this->get("db_type");
00238     switch($db_type) {
00239       case 'mysql':
00240         if ($this->dbh) {
00241           //mysql_close($this->dbh);
00242           //mysql_close($this->dbh);
00243         } else {
00244           $this->error("database ".$this->get("db_name")." not open");
00245         }
00246         break;
00247       default:
00248         if ($this->dbh) {
00249           sqlite_close($this->dbh);
00250         } else {
00251           $this->error("database ".$this->get("db_name")." not open");
00252         }
00253         break;
00254     }    
00255     return ($this->errorCount() == 0);
00256   }
00257 }
00259 ?>