00001 <?php
00020 error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
00021 @date_default_timezone_set(date_default_timezone_get());
00024 function __autoload($class_name) {
00025 if (class_exists($class_name)) {
00027 } else if (file_exists('models/'.$class_name.'.min.php')) {
00028 require_once('models/'.$class_name.'.min.php');
00029 } else if (file_exists('models/'.$class_name.'.php')) {
00030 require_once('models/'.$class_name.'.php');
00031 }
00032 }
00035 class WSCORE2 {
00040 public function __construct($conf = NULL) {
00041 $this->attributes = array();
00042 $this->message_queue = array();
00043 $this->db = NULL;
00044 $this->qry = NULL;
00046 if (is_object($conf) && method_exists($conf, "getKeys")) {
00047 foreach($conf->getKeys() as $key) {
00048 $this->set($key, $conf->get($key));
00049 }
00050 } else if (is_array($conf)) {
00051 foreach ($conf as $key => $value) {
00052 $this->set($key,$value);
00053 }
00054 } else if (is_string($conf)) {
00055 if (strpos(ltrim($conf),"[") !== false || strpos(ltrim($conf),"{") !== false) {
00057 $obj = json_decode($conf);
00058 if ($obj !== false) {
00059 foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
00060 $this->set($key,$value);
00061 }
00062 } else {
00063 $this->message("ERROR: Problem decoding JSON configuration");
00064 }
00065 } else {
00066 $this->simpleConf($conf);
00067 }
00068 }
00069 }
00079 public function simpleConf($configuration) {
00080 $lines = explode("\n",$configuration);
00081 $i = 1;
00082 foreach ($lines as $line) {
00083 if (strpos($line,"#") !== false) {
00084 list($line, $comment) = explode("#", $line);
00085 }
00086 if (trim($line) != "") {
00087 if (strpos($line,":") !== false) {
00088 list($key, $value) = explode(":",$line,2);
00089 $this->set($key, $value);
00090 } else {
00091 $this->message("ERROR: ".$i." doesn't make sense [$line]");
00092 }
00093 }
00094 $i++;
00095 }
00096 if ($this->errorCount() === 0) {
00097 return true;
00098 }
00099 return false;
00100 }
00107 public function getKeys() {
00108 if (isset($this->attributes) && is_array($this->attributes)) {
00109 return array_keys($this->attributes);
00110 }
00111 return false;
00112 }
00120 public function set ($key, $value = NULL) {
00121 if ($value === NULL) {
00122 unset($this->attributes[$key]);
00123 return true;
00124 }
00125 $this->attributes[$key] = $value;
00126 return isset($this->attributes[$key]);
00127 }
00134 public function get ($key) {
00135 if (isset($this->attributes[$key])) {
00136 return $this->attributes[$key];
00137 }
00138 return false;
00139 }
00148 public function map($src, $obj, $verbose = false) {
00149 $escape_chars = '';
00150 if (strpos($src, '"') !== false) {
00151 $escape_chars .= '"';
00152 }
00153 if (strpos($src, "'") !== false) {
00154 $escape_chars .= "'";
00155 }
00156 foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
00157 if ($escape_chars !== '') {
00160 if (strpos($value,'\"') === false && strpos($value,"\'") === false) {
00161 $src = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', addcslashes($value, $escape_chars), $src);
00162 } else {
00163 $src = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', addcslashes(str_replace(array('\"', "\'"), array('\\'.'\\'.'"', '\\'.'\\'."'"), $value), $escape_chars), $src);
00164 }
00165 } else {
00166 $src = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $value, $src);
00167 }
00168 }
00169 if ($verbose === true) {
00170 $this->message("Map(): $src");
00171 }
00172 return $src;
00173 }
00182 public function message ($msg = NULL) {
00183 if ($msg === NULL) {
00184 $result = implode("\n", $this->message_queue);
00185 unset($this->message_queue);
00186 $this->message_queue = array();
00187 return $result;
00188 }
00189 $this->message_queue[] = $msg;
00190 return true;
00191 }
00197 public function errorCount () {
00198 $error_count = 0;
00199 foreach($this->message_queue as $msg) {
00200 if (stripos($msg, "ERROR:") !== false) {
00201 $error_count++;
00202 }
00203 }
00204 return $error_count;
00205 }
00210 public function open () {
00211 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00212 case 'mysql':
00213 $mysql_host = $this->get("db_host");
00214 if ($mysql_host === false) {
00215 $this->message("ERROR: You must specify a database host to open.");
00216 return false;
00217 }
00218 $mysql_user = $this->get("db_user");
00219 if ($mysql_user === false) {
00220 $this->message("ERROR: You must specify a database user to open.");
00221 return false;
00222 }
00223 $mysql_password = $this->get("db_password");
00224 if ($mysql_password === false) {
00225 $this->message("ERROR: You must specify a database password to open.");
00226 return false;
00227 }
00228 $mysql_database = $this->get("db_name");
00229 if ($mysql_database === false) {
00230 $this->message("ERROR: You must specify a database name to open.");
00231 return false;
00232 }
00234 $this->db = @mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);
00235 if (! $this->db) {
00236 $this->db = NULL;
00237 $this->message('ERROR: ' . mysql_error());
00238 return false;
00239 } else {
00240 if (! mysql_select_db($mysql_database, $this->db)) {
00241 $this->message("ERROR: Could not select database: $mysql_database " . mysql_error());
00242 return false;
00243 }
00244 }
00245 return true;
00246 case 'sqlite':
00247 $sqlite_database = $this->get("db_name");
00248 if ($sqlite_database === false) {
00249 $this->message("ERROR: You must specify a database name to open.");
00250 return false;
00251 }
00252 $this->db = sqlite_open($sqlite_database,'0666',$error);
00253 if ($this->db === false) {
00254 $this->message("error opening database ".$db_name.": ".$error);
00255 return false;
00256 }
00257 return true;
00258 default:
00259 $this->message("ERROR: Database type not set.");
00260 return false;
00261 }
00262 return false;
00263 }
00270 public function release () {
00271 if ($this->db === NULL) {
00272 $this->message("ERROR: Database not configured.");
00273 return false;
00274 }
00275 if ($this->qry === NULL) {
00276 $this->message("ERROR: no result set to free");
00277 return false;
00278 }
00279 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00280 case 'mysql':
00281 if ($this->qry && mysql_free_result($this->qry) === true) {
00282 $this->qry = NULL;
00283 return true;
00284 }
00285 $this->message("ERROR: " . mysql_error($this->db));
00286 return false;
00287 case 'sqlite':
00289 unset($this->qry);
00290 $this->qry = NULL;
00291 return true;
00292 default:
00293 $this->message("ERROR: ".$this->get("db_type")." not supported for release.");
00294 return false;
00295 }
00296 return true;
00297 }
00305 public function execute ($sql, $verbose = false) {
00306 if ($this->db === NULL) {
00307 $this->message("ERROR: Database not configured.");
00308 return false;
00309 }
00310 if ($verbose === true) {
00311 $this->message("SQL: $sql");
00312 }
00313 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00314 case 'mysql':
00315 $this->set('SQLRowCount', 0);
00316 $this->qry = mysql_query($sql);
00317 if ($this->qry === false) {
00318 $this->message("ERROR: SQL [$sql] " . mysql_error());
00319 return false;
00320 }
00321 if ($this->qry) {
00322 $num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($this->qry);
00323 if ($num_rows === false) {
00324 $this->set("SQLRowCount", mysql_affected_rows());
00325 } else {
00326 $this->set("SQLRowCount", $num_rows);
00327 }
00328 }
00329 return true;
00330 case 'sqlite':
00331 $this->set('SQLRowCount', 0);
00332 if (stripos($sql,"SELECT ") !== false) {
00333 $this->qry = sqlite_query($this->db, $sql, SQLITE_ASSOC, $error);
00334 if ($this->qry) {
00335 $this->set('SQLRowCount', sqlite_num_rows($this->qry));
00336 }
00337 } else {
00338 $this->qry = @sqlite_exec($this->db, $sql, $error);
00339 if (! $this->qry) {
00340 $this->message("ERROR: SQL [$sql] " . $error);
00341 return false;
00342 } else {
00343 $this->set('SQLRowCount', sqlite_changes($this->db));
00344 }
00345 }
00346 return true;
00347 default:
00348 $this->message("ERROR: Database type not set.");
00349 return false;
00350 }
00351 return false;
00352 }
00362 public function mapExecute ($sql, $obj, $verbose = false) {
00363 if ($this->get("db_type") === "sqlite") {
00364 $sql = str_replace(array("\\'","\\\""), array("''",'""'), $this->map($sql, $obj, $verbose));
00365 return $this->execute($sql, $verbose);
00366 }
00367 return $this->execute($this->map($sql, $obj, $verbose), $verbose);
00368 }
00375 public function getRow ($verbose = false) {
00376 if ($this->db === NULL) {
00377 $this->message("ERROR: Database not configured.");
00378 return false;
00379 }
00380 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00381 case 'mysql':
00382 if ($this->qry) {
00383 return mysql_fetch_array($this->qry, MYSQL_ASSOC);
00384 } else {
00385 $this->message("WARNING: no query available");
00386 }
00387 break;
00388 case 'sqlite':
00389 if ($this->qry) {
00390 return sqlite_fetch_array($this->qry, SQLITE_ASSOC);
00391 } else if ($verbose === true) {
00392 $this->message("WARNING: no query available");
00393 }
00394 return false;
00395 default:
00396 $this->message("ERROR: Database type not set.");
00397 break;
00398 }
00399 return false;
00400 }
00406 public function lastInsertRowId () {
00407 if ($this->db === NULL) {
00408 $this->message("ERROR: Database not configured.");
00409 return false;
00410 }
00411 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00412 case 'mysql':
00413 return mysql_insert_id();
00414 case 'sqlite':
00415 return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->db);
00416 default:
00417 $this->message("ERROR: Database type not set.");
00418 break;
00419 }
00420 return false;
00421 }
00427 public function close () {
00428 if ($this->db === NULL) {
00429 $this->message("ERROR: Database not configured.");
00430 return false;
00431 }
00432 switch($this->get("db_type")) {
00433 case 'mysql':
00434 mysql_close($this->db);
00435 return true;
00436 case 'sqlite':
00437 sqlite_close($this->db);
00438 return true;
00439 default:
00440 $this->message("ERROR: Database type not set.");
00441 break;
00442 }
00443 return false;
00444 }
00445 }
00447 ?>