Interdepartmental 504:

Molecular Biology of Cancer (4.0 units)

Epidemiology, pathobiology, carcinogenesis, tumor biology and heterogeneity, retroviruses, oncogenes, cell cycle control, genetics of cancer, tumor immunology, treatment strategies.
    40657D046Lecture3:00-4:50pmMon, Wed30 of 40Joseph Landolph,
    Gerhard Coetzee,
    Louis Dubeau,
    Darryl Shibata,
    Fredrick Schumacher,
    Anton Valouev,
    Wange Lu,Judd Rice,
    Ite Laird,
    Gangning Liang,
    James Knowles,
    Muller Fabbri,
    Axel Schonthal,
    Florence Hofman,
    Baruch Frenkel,
    Amir Goldkorn,
    Graham Casey,
    Wijbe Kast,
    Young-Kwon Hong,
    Ruchi Bajpai,Robert Maxson
    MCH256PDF (133169 KB)session dates
    Information accurate as of 1/27/2016 10:27 AM.