Computer Science 577a:

Software Engineering (4.0 units)

A: Software life-cycle processes; planning considerations for product definition, development, test, implemetation, maintenance. Team project. Graduate standing.
  • Restriction: Registration closed to the following class level(s): Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Supannika Koolmanojwongfeesession datesbook list
30127D034Lecture2:00-3:20pmMWF14 of 40Barry Boehm,Supannika KoolmanojwongDEN@Viterbifeesession datesbook list
30128D048Lecture2:00-3:20pmMWF100 of 120Barry Boehm,Supannika KoolmanojwongOHE122feesession datesbook list
Information accurate as of 9/23/2014 4:03 PM.