General Education Courses
Category I: Western Cultures and Traditions
HIST 100gm | The American Experience |
PHIL 155g | Modern Philosophy and the Meaning of Life |
PHIL 220g | Science, Religion and the Making of the Modern Mind |
Category II: Global Cultures and Traditions
ANTH 100g | Principles of Human Organization: Non-Western Societies |
ANTH 235g | The Changing Pacific: Culture, History and Politics in the New South Seas |
ANTH 263g | Exploring Culture Through Film |
Category III: Scientific Inquiry
ASTR 100Lxg | The Universe |
BISC 120Lg | General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution |
CHEM 105aLg | General Chemistry |
GEOL 107Lg | Oceanography |
PHYS 151Lg | Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
Category IV: Science and Its Significance
ANTH 200Lg | The Origins of Humanity |
EXSC 205Lxg | The Science of Human Performance |
Category V: Arts and Letters
ARLT 100g | Arts and Letters |
ARLT 101g | Studies in Arts and Letters |
Category VI: Social Issues
IR 101xg | International Relations |
POSC 265g | Environmental Challenges |